Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Have at it.

This coming Wednesday, November 7th, is the date of my Live Art class's public performances. I have two projects planned, one of which has already taken place and will be exhibited along with a video of its progression, provided I get it to convert properly to the correct format for editing.
Still untitled, the performance (on Halloween) involved me in a canvas dress I made, standing on a white box covered in bubble wrap. I provided paints and brushes, some of which were very kindly lent to me for the day. I posted a sign, simply stating: "HAVE AT IT," and waited for people to come and paint on me. I filmed for an hour and twenty-two minutes, during which most of the student body had a go. Some returned later, some only added a little bit, some were positively aggressive in their application of paint, hair, coffee grounds, and more. 

Paints ready to go.


How the box top looked at the end.

How the paints looked at the end.

Front of the dress.

Side view.

Back view, and my favorite part.

Video capture, halfway through the performance.

No longer able to feel my hands, which I have been holding over my head the whole time.

I am very satisfied with my work on this, and hopefully the video will come together. I am unable to edit it in its current form, and conversion of the file type is causing issues. I have another piece planned for the public performance, so I will not be empty-handed no matter what happens. I wanted to share documentation of this piece because it was successful for me, and hopefully others can enjoy it as well.

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